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Post by silentsuperb »

Having spoken to rob at nlm, he believes the club have/had a selection of early frames which initially came from benji straw. Is this true?

I bought a used sport frame recently but it proved to be corroded and crimped where the side stand mounts so would prefer not to use it.

Does anyone have info on the whereabouts of a decent frame for an early 3.5?
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Re: frames

Post by MarkB »

If you find a supply, I could be in the market myself!
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Re: frames

Post by SupermotoDave »

The club could well have such things amongst it's supply of things from Benjy Straw, but would they not be for the benefit of club members?
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Re: frames

Post by silentsuperb »

Yes Dave they would.
It would also be the incentive I need to join. Mercenary perhaps, but when it comes to money does it matter whether it goes to a member or otherwise? The main thing is that the parts go to a person for their the intended purpose. Keeping another of these fine machines on the road. That in effect is the aim of each and every club irrespective of make or model.
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Re: frames

Post by morinipete »

Wrong !

That is the purpose of the Moto Morini factory and Moto Morini dealers (NLM will be quite happy to sell you a frame, that is their purpose. 'Give them a ring and find out the price :shock: ). We do not want to compete with, nor threateen the existance of commercial enterprsies, whos exisence supports our continued riding.

The MRCs purpose, like all other bike clubs, is to assist it's MEMBERS who contribute to it and thus should gain benefit from it. Any/all parts the club has are through it's own efforts and/or donations from ex-club members (we've had whole bikes given to us). If these are sold, given, or lent on this should be done on the same basis as they were recieved (i.e. for the benfit of the club and club members).

Put another way. If the MRC does have an early frame WLB what use of it is of greatest benefit to the club ? 1. For the club to sell it to get a few pounds (which for liquidties sake we don't need) 2. to hold on to it as an appreciating asset which could be sold in the future if we did need the money. 3. sell it to a club member who has contributed to the club (both financiallly and may be in some other way) to ensure the club meets its obligations to supporting club members. 1 & 2 benefit the club and club members. 3 benefits neither. Additioanlly I would be mighty pissed off if I found out an asset which I (as a club member) had contributed to had been lost to the club if I subsequently wrapped my bike round a lamp post (and needed it).

In life you only get out what you put in. That's why clubs exist. Put nothing in and you'll get nothing out.

PS. A nice frame went a few months ago for very little in ATG and Steve Brown recently put a load of stuff on ebay only after it had been in ATG and members got the pick. Well done Steve. It's not all about the money :D .
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Re: frames

Post by silentsuperb »

Wrong? Really?

The largest motorcycle club in the UK,namely the VMCC realised many years ago that members have their own agendas . Recognition of individual interests is important to survival irrrespective of the level of contribution. My comment about money was not meant to suggest that if large amounts are offered then it should be taken.Obviously this is a thorny issue.

Whilst I appreciate your point of view, and the logic behind it;why would I join when so far I have received little but vitreolic response? Debate and questioning is said to be beneficial in most areas of society!
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Re: frames

Post by Steve Brown »

morinipete wrote:Pete
PS. A nice frame went a few months ago for very little in ATG and Steve Brown recently put a load of stuff on ebay only after it had been in ATG and members got the pick. Well done Steve. It's not all about the money :D .
Thanks for those kind words Pete, glad it was appreciated-and I'll be listing a few more bits soon, so will do the same again.

All donations to the rest home for old Camels, Leicestershire.
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Re: frames

Post by Steve Brown »

silentsuperb wrote:Wrong? Really?

The largest motorcycle club in the UK,namely the VMCC realised many years ago that members have their own agendas .
Silentsuperb, it's the word 'members' that seems important here, to me at least. Personally, I manage to recoup my annual membership, and sometimes more, using the discount to MRC members at North Leicester Motorcycles.

And another point, the VMCC, of which I am also a member, has a membership of something like 14,000. It is also run on a much more business like line (Of which I approve) by it's various full time staff and it's various committees/management teams that alone number more than the MRC's total member count. So I find it hard to compare the two. Hopefully the MRC will grow, but it will never have that sort of membership, and is likely to remain a club run by a dedicated few. (And I'm happy with that too)
Also,I think exasperation may be nearer the mark than vitriol, to describe the responses you've had. Hope you find a frame anyhow-if I'd found one when I first advertised, I wouldn't have sold all those bits!

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Re: frames

Post by silentsuperb »


Vitriol may appear harsh but there is little about certain responses which engender friendship,simply a perceived demand that non members should join up or shut up.i.e no right to pass comment.

The parts to which you refer were sold independently and went to those in need and at reasonable prices designed to recoup outlay not make a profit. My bikes are my hobby, not a business; and I have no desire to change that. In this outlook at least, I seem to mirror the view of members who responded.

I seem to have stirred up considerable dissent amongst members through my two posts and think that it is probably best that I stop using the site as I do not feel welcome.
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Re: frames

Post by MickeyMoto »


Maybe SilentSuperb should have put the request in Morini Bikes/Parts Wanted section:

'Frame Wanted. Early 31/2 Sport. Must be straight. Thanks. SS'

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Re: frames

Post by Brubru »

Many people in this club are spontaneously offering help, advise and assistance when needed. They welcome you generously you when you arrive from the Continent to participate to the track day. The committee members invest huge amount of time and enthusiasm in it, without financial counterpart. I think I would fly away from a club where people would calculate their actions in terms of Return On Investment.

And it is nothing else than normal that comments or proposals about how the club should be are limited to its members.

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Re: frames

Post by stillooking »

I used to be in the MRC but let my membership lapse some time ago; sadly I didn't participate in the events mainly because I work away a lot, but I think it's a good little club run in a good spirit.

I'm still in the Vmcc but although it's a large and well run organisation, it doesn't seem to suit me at the moment, for a number of reasons....? Lah de dah. :wink:
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Re: frames

Post by morini_tom »

The value of a club like the MRC simply cannot be quantified in terms of money and cannot be realised on an internet forum. To expect to find justification of the membership fee in this forum is to not understand the value of the club, and in any case by my reckoning, silentsuperb, you've justified a year's membership through use of the forum's for sale and wanted pages. Even the mighty VMCC charges for ads over 30 odd words!!!

The morini community is a small and friendly one and I think the vitreolic responce as you put it is an understandable reaction towards somebody who obviously wants something for nothing and by your own admission you're not really club orientated. That's your choice and nobody here would criticise you for it. What gets my back up is that you have dismissed the club as not being worth joining when really you have shown no interest in what the club actually offers.

Some of you will remember from ATG 127 (I won't, I was 3) the creation of the Dunford Ropamar at the Snetterton 6 hours- the liberation of a 3 1/2 sport engine from a spectator's bike to replace the broken race engine. Maybe not to that extent but we've all given or received assistance to Morini folk countless times over the years.

I can't put a value on the friendships I've made, the advice I've been given, the beers I've been bought after crashing at cadwell (twice!) and the experiances I've had through the MRC. I try and give back what I get out- I've lent my bike out for the odd lap of cadwell, a blat around the countryside or the club stand, I've helped people fix their bike, I've given parts away to get someone on the road again, hell I even spared the morini community from another excalibur by putting it's engine in my dart (twice actually :D )

Actually come to think about it club membership is a bargain. Maybe we should increase subs...
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Re: frames

Post by silentsuperb »

I have grown tired of the assumptions and responses to my comments. I am not known to those who place such replies hence there is considerable drift from the reality of my intentions. I neither want nor expect something for nothing. I simply do not wish to join the club as I only enjoy reading the magazines but not the club atmosphere and agenda. Is that so bad?
I am honest in my outlook, but obviously naively so judging from the messages received. Al I want is a frame not strings of belittling and sometimes condescending correspondence.You should be ashamed of yourselves.
I do not know how to do so but would ask that the administrator remove my profile as I will not trouble your members again. I clearly will not be missed. (And no comment is needed on that point!)
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Re: frames

Post by mgill »

Ahhh... WINTER. You must have snow in Britain.
MRC #2795
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