Disbanding Moto Morini Club Nederland
ATTENTION: The Dutch Moto Morini site closed down in January 2024.
The remaining content has been transferred to the British Morini Riders Club who now host this online archive of the Dutch club's website.
On the 12th of November 2022 we had a special meeting with our Clubmembers. On the agenda: the future of our Club.
After a good discussion and democratic vote, we have decided to disbanden our Club (after 37 years) and -- on an individual base -- become members of Aermacchi
Club Nederland.
The British Morini Riders Club has made a generous offer to our members to become an on-line member,
free of charge. Those who joined can decide in October 2023 to become a full member of the Morini Riders Club. The Morini Riders Club has also made a second and very
generous offer, namely to host this website in the future. That way, all information will remain available to Morini enthusiasts.
New transducers for the 250V, 350, 500 models
One of the critical elements for the proper operation of Morini engines with electronic ignition are the transducers. Of course there are already aftermarket
transducers available, but in some cases these were originally designed to operate on 2-stroke engines. Therefore they perform following an ignition curve that is
not ideal for 4-stroke engines. In addition these aftermarket transducers are not provided with the output for the electronic rev counter and this often imposes to
renounce to the use of the rev counter. The company Luzzi (in Sienna/Italy), specialized in the sale of spare parts for historical
Morini bikes, in cooperation with specialized engineers has designed and produced transducers with the following performances:
- Fully interchangeable with the original transducers,
- Power equivalent to the power of the original transducers,
- Output for electronic rev counter,
- Bidirectional protection on the rev counter output to avoid reciprocal interferences and damages between rev counter and transducer,
- Solid and safe housing with practical connectors.
The new/improved transducers are available for both the red as well as for the black pick-up. |
Click photo for details |
Forum back on-line
Unfortunately, during a longer period it was only possible to consult our Forum and read old contributions.
It was not possible to post new messages. Fortunately all problems have been solved and the Forum works perfectly again. You can register, log-in and post your messages with
questions, remarks etc. about all Moto Morini models.
The ultimate Moto Morini book
"Sempre Pui' Forte" is now available through the website of our Clubmember Wim Raeymaekers.
The author has invested much time and effort to write down the
most complete history of Moto Morini. He travelled many times to Italy for interviews
with both (former) factory members of management and staff, as well as Morini family members.
The book is written in both English and Italian and has got 544 (!!) pages. For orders go to
Wim's website, Morinibook.com. Price of the book €79, excl. postage to your country. |
New parts supplier after NLM stopped
From December 15th 2018 onwards, North Leicester Motorcycles (NLM) will be permanently closed for business. First of all, we would like to thank Stuart and his
colleagues for supplying us with parts to keep our bikes rolling. We hope Stuart will enjoy his well earned retirement! Fortunately, a new company has taken over
NLM's Moto Morini parts. In 2019 go to Mdina Italia Store. As soon as "Morini spares" is visible
in the section 'catalogue' on their homepage, you can order your parts. Sales of NLM motorbikes will be taken over by Lusso Veloce,
see their website.
Picos Rally, photo album now on-line
Late September 2018 your webmaster joined the 28th Piston Rally, organised by Moto Club Piston from Santander, Spain.
It took a while, but now there is a photo album on-line.
It helps to get a good impression of fantastic week of motorcycling in the North-West of Spain. The 2015 album can be
found here.
Photo's 29th annual Moto Morini weekend in Morano-sul-Po/Italy
During the weekend 1-3 June, the yearly meeting of Moto Morini Club Italia took place in Morano-sul-Po.
Our Clubmember Hans visits this meeting nearly every year. He made photo's and collected photo's made by others (like Giuliano) and published them
in an online photo album. |
For Dart owners: new fuel tanks are made of aluminium
The British Morini Riders Club (MRC) is currently exploring the
possibility of having a limited number of new Dart 350/400cc fuel
tanks made. The original plastic tanks are unavailable and many are now developing leaks. The MRC has been in discussion with a company
specialized in making high quality parts for classic British sports cars. The new Dart tanks will be fabricated from aluminium and following
the form of the original tank as closely as is practicable. A flange for the original fuel tap will be incorporated but additionally the
MRC will include an extra boss so that a more readily available fuel level sender can be fitted, as these are one of the Dart's weak points.
For this project to work, the MRC needs secure orders for a single batch of around 20 tanks. These will be priced at approximately
£ 440(excluding postage & packing). This project's objective is to keep Morinis on the road, so the MRC seeks only to ensure the
costs incurred are covered by the price of the product. It's the MRC intention to have a specification, order numbers prices completely
confirmed by Christmas, for fuel tank deliveries during April 2017.
If you are interested, please contact Tom Farrow of the MRC by e-mail:
webmaestro (AT) morini-riders-club.com (AT) change in @.
Special Forum for the Moto Morini 1200cc Corsa Corta models
Raffaele from Italy wrote to us that a new Italian forum has started on the 1200cc models.
"The forum is called Corsacorta.it and it has the auto translator! https://www.corsacorta.it is officially supported
by Moto Morini motorcycles (the factory). Enter the forum and write in english. There is also a translator to read the threads.
In the forum two important officials of Moto Morini participate, the actual tester and the developer/former tester. This
way you have have support!"
See https://www.corsacorta.it |
Restauration 350 Sport (1975)
Some time ago, your webmaster bought himself a 'project bike'. The bike was not found in a forgotten henhouse, but in a normal garagebox.
Unfortunately, it had been left standing there for years. Certain parts were missing. Meanwhile much progress is made the get the bike back in
it's old glory. Early November 2014, after a complete overhaul, the engine went back into the frame. See the present state
at the bottom of this page (and also the work that still needs doing).
Ital Day 2014
This year, the annual 'Ital Day' was held on the 17th of August. Clubmembers and individual visitors showed their Italian motorcycles.
Ren?an der Brandt, member of Ducati Club Nederland, sent me a link to an
photoalbum to share the pictures he made. Please note: pictures are free to download, but in case of any kind of
publication it is appreciated to add the name of the photographer, Ren?an der Brandt. BTW, according to the jury, the Moto Morini
250V (the red one on the pictures) was nominated "as the most special bike built after 1980".
Fantastic project! |
In the past we have seen superb motorcycle designs of
Oberdan Bezzi, including Moto Morini. Just use use Google to find them on-line. Bezzi is
an Italian designer with the gift to connect 'old' and 'new'. He works in such way that the new design is clearly
recognised on the basis of style elements of the old design.
On paper he has created a series of new Moto Morini models which are inspired on a number of very successful models
from the past, like 350 Sport, 350 Touring and 500 Camel. Unfortunately, the factory did not do anything with these
designs. For this reason, friends from the German Moto Morini forum (www.ital-web.de) have taken the initiative to
actually build one of these bikes!
Old-and-new united: the lines of the legendary 3 1/2 are transferred to a 1200cc bike. You can follow the progress
of this project on the special website for this project, see for yourself!
Meanwhile, also an Excalibur 1200cc and Camel 1200cc are produced. |
Oberdan Bezzi design |
Milano-Taranto 2012 edition
Your webmaster joined Milano-Taranto for the second time in July 2012, after the first time, back in 2007.
Milano-Taranto is a 2,000km's (1,250 miles) motorcycle rally in Italy, based on the idea of the streetrace from the
1920-1950s. Fortunately, these days it is not a race, but a rally in six stages with a classification. The distance
of each stage is app. 350km's (220 miles). First stage starts traditionally at midnight and took the riders to Vicenza
near Venice in the North-East of Italy. Read the complete story of this great motorcycle adventure
through this link. |
New host for the Moto Morini mailing list
The Moto Morini international mailing list has got a new host. If you want to join,
register through this link.
Through the international Moto Morini mailinglist you get in touch with many Moto Morini owners. The process to
register is quite simple, but if you have any problems, contact the list owner Dan Kelo at ewordpainter - AT - gmail.com
To get an idea, here you will see bikes of some
participants of the mailing list. A rather international matter with owners/bikes located in Australia, Canada, Belgium,
Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States of America. |
Valentini, development of the Camel 500 and his participation on desert
rally's in the early 80's
It is remarkable to realise that Moto Morini has been on the basis of desert rally's, like Paris-Dakar in the early 80s. At the
time, the Morini Camel 500 and also the BMW GS80 were the first 2-cylinder offroad bikes. The Morini had real offroad capabilities.
The BMW became a very successful bike as a 'travel enduro'. The Morini Camel 500 was developed by a private company, Valentini
Moto, with the help of ing. Franco Lambertini. Soon after, the factory took the Camel into production.
Read more on Antonio's son Massimiliano who was a keen rally rider. |
Moto Morini new marketing & sales |
The new management of
Moto Morini have changed marketing and sales strategy. Bikes
like the Corsaro/Granpasso or Scrambler can be bought directly from the factory. The company invites potential buyers for a day
of test riding, at it's location near Bologna. Various airlines offer cheap flights to this city. After an appointment, potential
buyers are taken from the airfield. At the factory, all 1200cc models are available for an extensive testride. After that, the
potential buyer can compile his/her dream machine and order it. Many new colours are available and prices are very competitive.
After the bike has been produced, the buyer can collect the new motorbike, or get it delivered to any dealer. These new methods
of sale and distribution also have some disadvantages: and for this reason the former German importer M? has discontinued it's
activities for Moto Morini. |
lhs: Scrambler;
middle: 1200 Sport,
rhs: Granpasso |
Granpasso |
Standard carburettors on the 125/250/350/500cc models
The British Dellorto importer Eurocarb ltd. kindly supplied us with two pages
from a Dellorto catalogue. In this catalogue an overview of the carburettors used by the
factory on the various 125/250/350/500cc models. Of course also details on the (standard) jets, needle, float and slide are
Photo pages of the 21st international Moto Morini meeting, held in June
2010 in Morano-sul-Po/Italy. Finally, your webmaster finished the pages about this very nice meeting in Italy. This time
not a written report, but photopages instead. Let the images tell the story!
Badges for bikes!
Frequently we receive question with regard to badges for the 350/500cc models. Also the Sport badge on the cockpit for certain
models is wanted. Unfortunately, even in Italy it can hardly be found anymore. A Morini owner from New Zealand made new ones CNC
machined. According to us: a very neat job and worth a mention and a link.
Celebration 25th anniversary of Moto Morini Club Nederland on May 15/16
The 25th anniversary celebration of Moto Morini Club Nederland took place on May 15/16. On Friday, the first participants
arrived in Hengelo (Gld). On Saturday morning, most of the participants had arrived. We welcomed a delegation of six Morini
Riders from Brittain, as well as six participants from Germany, three of our own Clubmembers from Belgium and last, but
certainly not least: S?n came all the way from Denmark!! A trip of ±650km's (over 400 mls) one way!!
In the afternoon the engines were fired up and we made a nice tour through the surroundings. After our return in Hengelo, the
bbq started. We had plenty of time for a good chat with everybody. One thing worth mentioning: we rounded up the highest
amount of Moto Morini bikes on Dutch soil. Worth a mention in the Guinness book of records!! Through these links you will
find two photo pages: S?n's photoalbum and a
photopage with an impression of the meeting on Saturday.
In this topic
of our Forum, more and links to foto's en video's (of the races!). Clubmember Tommy (with the yellow Corsaro 1200) even
started a Hyves page (similar to Facebook etc.) on Moto Morini with photo's of the meeting in Hengelo

The 'benzina' magazine is very much worth it. Very different to
the usual, not only the square book like format, but also the quality of print and of course, the very unusual stories on
Italian motorbikes. Stories you don't read so much North of the Alps. Unless perhaps, you own an Italian bike yourself. In
that case it's still worth it, as you read about makes other than your own. In benzina 01, (the spirit of the open road),
15 different stories of Italian motorbikes, written with different perspective. Ducati, Morini, Mondial, Gilera, Guzzi,
Laverda, the lot. Anyone into Classic Italian bikes should try this new magazine. And it's not a magazine which you finish in
10 minutes either. Well, enough of this, see for yourself. ISSN 2043-0744 and see
teambenzina.co.uk or telephone: +44 (0)1380 812176
Greg Pullen, the initiator, has done an excellent job! Think such an brave initiative should be supported in economic difficult
times. |
In Italy, a new book was published on Moto Morini. A comprehensive
history of Moto Morini, a racing and road-going motorcycle manufacturer founded in the second half of the ?30s,
had yet to be written. Anyway, the activity of Alfonso Morini goes back to the ?20s when, together with Mario
Mazzetti, a great fan of the two wheels and excellent technician, he gave birth to another famous marque, the MM,
lately left by Morini (1937) to found a firm under his own family name. The celebrated Italian marque is now about
to enjoy a second, or perhaps even a third youth, following its latest relaunch. This book tells the story of the
company from its origins to the present day, tackling the industrial and sporting issues as well as engineering
matters thanks to the technical expertise of the author Massimo Clarke. The text is supported by a vast archive
of largely unpublished images made available by the company itself. See
for details |
New page on parts catalogues and owner manuals
We have extended our stock on owner manuals and part catalogues for many Moto Morini manuals.
Have a look on the new page. Of course your can order
them on-line through the form at the bottom of that same page. |
Racing in the past
In the 1960?s, Moto Morini were very successful at motorcycle racing. In this story, published in
'Motor Cyclist Illustrated' from 1964, you can read about the role of the Morini founder Alfonso Morini (1898-1969).
It explains his cooperation with a number of others, which helped Tarquinio Provini to nearly becoming world champi on on
the 250GP racer back in 1963. He only missed out by 2 points in that year. |
Fastest single of the world
In 1963 Tarquinio Provini was 2 points short to become Worldchampion 250cc.
In "Legend Bike" no. 139 from April 2004, there was a very interesting article on Provini's 250cc Moto Morini racer,
written by Paolo Conti. We are fortunate to present both an English as well as a
Dutch translation on this very interesting "fastest single of the world". |
Repair mono shock for the Kanguro models in Germany
Repair for leaking mono shock absorbers on the Kanguro is possible in Germany. Follow this link. |
Various |
Moto Morini 500 Turbo (prototype)
In 2005, all eyes are focussed on both the new Corsaro 1200 and 9½ models (see elswhere on this page). In 1982
however Moto Morini was working on a 500 Turbo. A bike which never was taken into production, but the British magazine
'Bike' published an article about the development of this model. A 'must' for Moto Morini enthousiasts! The 500 Turbo was
also mentioned by ing. Franco Lambertini in his interview with Motociclismo
d'Epoca (Aug./Sept. 2002). You can find the 'Bike' article following this link. |
Buyer's Guide Moto Morini 3½ Strada
Italian magazine "Motociclismo d'Epoca" of September/October 2003 published a buyers guide of the
3½ Strada/Touring model. Moto Morini Club Nederland proudly presents the English and Dutch versions of this excellent
article. |
Mopeds built by Moto Morini versus mopeds with a Morini Franco Motori engine
Moto Morini built mopeds in the 1960s and 1970s under the name "Corsarino" (=little Pirat), other factories used
engines made by Morini Franco Motori. This article explains the differences. |
Club History Moto Morini Club Nederland was founded on the
12th November 1985 by ms. Lil Kremers from Tilburg, the Netherlands. |
September 2019