injector warning light

Anything to do with the 1200 'strada' series
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injector warning light

Post by mgb81 »

can any one help? I went out for a run on my 1200 and have had an intermitent injector warning light come on . Its now permenantly on and the speedo only reads 0mph. It doesnt matter how fast you go ( very difficult in the new forest !) Could this be a battery prob or something else ? bike starts fine . thanks
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Re: injector warning light

Post by twisty »

check the diagnostics button

kill switch off
keep button on dash pressed and switch on

this allows you to scroll to the diagnostic menu on the speedo
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Re: injector warning light

Post by sweden »

Check the speedo sensor and cable!

regards henrik
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Re: injector warning light

Post by mikebn »

i have not started my 9 1/2 all winter, when i tried to start up it would not turn over the injector light is on permentley. ihave ordered new injectors
(Fiat marine use the same ones IWP069) I hope this will cure
Hi i own a 1976 morini 3 1/2 sport wire wheels disc brake front,
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Re: injector warning light

Post by morini_tom »

The ‘injector warning light’ is not just for the injectors, it’s a diagnostic light a bit like the MIL lamp on any modern car. It will illuminate for basic electrical faults in connected sensors as well as more fundamental faults like as you say faulty injectors.

There is a diagnostic menu you can access on your dash board which will tell you what the fault is. I would do that before spending any money. This is detailed in the workshop manual. As twisty says, you can access the menu by pressing and holidng the dash button with the ignition off and then turning the ignition on whil still holiding the dash button. For 1st series Corsaro it is described in the manual as in the attached screenshot (although doesnt mention the ignition off bit, which is required for the diagnostic menu to be accessed). 9 1/2 will be the same.

If the dash diagnostic doesn’t tell you then you can get a bit more access by buying the correct interface lead and downloading a compatible software such as Guzzidiag. See December 2022 ATG where I described this process
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