Frame paint colours?

Maestro, SEI-V
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Frame paint colours?

Post by Baffled »

Hello, All. If you look at pictures of the 500 on the internet (beats porn) you will have noticed that black bikes (generally) have a black-painted frame, and red ones sometimes have a red frame, and sometimes a black one. Was there a change of practice at the factory (ie. they ran out of red paint and started using black), or is the red tank/black frame combination an indication of a repaint by an owner? If it was factory practice, does anyone know when the changeover occurred? Just to add to the mystery, my bike is all black but the V5 tells me it is red! Cheers. Baffled Gary.
'It must be a .....'
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Re: Frame paint colours?

Post by 'It must be a .....' »

Hi, all cycle parts/frame colour combinations are possible in red/black, particularly with the later 6 speed 500s.
Best to paint it in the combination that you like and enjoy!
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Re: Frame paint colours?

Post by Emmohaswheelsagain »


Over the years many owners decide to change colours according to their preference.
Finding a bike in its original colour scheme can therefore be difficult.
This seems more so with 500's
Original 500's were 5 speed and were red or grey with black frame and chrome pipes.
Around 1980 the factory brought out the Maestro, sports model, red frame, red tank and gold wheels.
This again was 5 speed but later became six speed with a choice of red or black colour schemes.
If you send me a pm with your email address I will send you a picture of a red 500 with black frame. I owned one between 81 & 89.

I hope I have answered your question.


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