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500 Strada UTL 294W

Posted: 01 Aug 2008 20:53
by Emmohaswheelsagain
Looking for any information relating to this bike which I owned from new 1981-1990. I believe it may have stayed in the Lincolnshire area. I've recently rejoined the Morini Riders Club after a long spell away from biking. I've found one of my previous three Morini's so it would be good to catch up with this bike. I have some pics and a little history on the bike. The bike was purchased for the factory ride in 1981 and never missed a beat during the 3,000 mile trip. I was disappointed not to see any 500's at the recent AGM, is it that Lincolnshire is a long way or have all the 500's gone to a rest home. I'm sure you are all out there and that I will meet up with some of you at future events.

500s at AGM

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 09:52
by morinipete
Hi. No 500s at the AGM but two (only) on the track two days previously (mine and Andy Laings). We both had to leave the following day unfortunately.

From past experience the Morinis on the track are always far more interesting than those at the AGM (less origniality and more mods as a rule, which has to be a plus point with a morini). In truth the 500s do seem to hold together less well than the little-uns though................

Morini 500's

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 19:27
by Emmohaswheelsagain
True the 500 appears to need a little more care than the 350 and may be the last 30 years has taken its toll on those surviving. I did manage to see you both circulating at Cadwell doing your best to mix it with all the other morini's. A good day out for all.

Posted: 08 Aug 2008 12:05
by morinisport
Hi - the track day was great and the 500 did quite a few miles over those days. As Pete mentioned we both had to leave sharpish on the Friday morning. Between the Wed and rolling back into town on the following Sunday it had done almost 800miles.

Not sure it will make it back from work tonight though as I felt the clutch cable snapping on the way in this morning - there are a few strands there . . .