Twitter - New fangled nonsense

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Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by Coxey »

Too much time on my hands again...

Whilst clearing out the garage earlier I wondered if anyone has found an interesting Moto Morini twitter account at all?
Or does the riders club have their own account? It might be an interesting and quick way to share pictures and info on our bikes.

I could tweet a picture of the mayhem that is now my garage if you like! :shock: :lol:
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by Steve Brown »

Sorry Richard I don't know the answer to your question but I do listen to 'Tweet of the day' on radio 4 quite often. Does that help?
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by Coxey »

So you think I should tweet them a picture of my garage? LOL!!!

Only joking about that but I think that it'd be pretty cool to have an official MRC twitter account.
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by SupermotoDave »

Agree with the sentiment but it's difficult to decide who might want to do it full time. I've got @ATGeditor but always forget to use it and anyway I only have 6 followers even though I mentioned it in ATG.

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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by George 350 »

Being a Luddite, I thought only Twits used Twitter!
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by MickeyMoto »

Problem with Twatter and it's ilk is that you spend all day looking at a computer screen when you should be out in the garage fettling or riding your steed then doing what most sensible old school people do - go down the pub and embellish the stories... much more agreeable and no Stephen Fry.
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by Coxey »

I dont do 'feaces'book and anybody over 21 [i.e. no longer at school/uni] should not do it either. Leave it to the kids!

Other stuff like twitter can be useful and informative but not if you're just out to get 1000's of followers and follow 1000's of people. Thats just pointless.
I think I've got a dozen family and friends and am happy with that - Maybe I should tweet them a picture of my Kanguro in the newly tidy garage! 8)

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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by Coxey »

SupermotoDave wrote:I've got @ATGeditor but always forget to use it and anyway I only have 6 followers even though I mentioned it in ATG.
well, you have an additional follower now, your 7th!... Get tweeting son! :lol:

oh, and I think that I may be about time for me to think about renewing my lapsed MRC membership. Hehe! :oops:
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by Steve Brown »

I thought it was the other way round? The kids seem to be abandoning facebook now their grandparents are using it and I intend to resist twitter as I don't want to spend any more time on the computer. (this is where we ask if we can 'like each others posts as I agree with the similar comment above :roll: )

Renewing membership? Were we meant to do that then? oh, right better get my finger out too then... :oops:
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by 72degrees »

Facebook GROUPS can be quite useful actually. The National Hill Climb Association has one. To be fair though I should warn that it has largely replaced the old web forum.

I don't tweet - don't ask me.
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by 72degrees »

Oh bother. Reading this thread has made me wonder if I remembered to renew. Could I have set up a direct debit? My memory is failing and the only card I can find says renewal November 2013. Don't want to miss the next ATG (Italy trip!)
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by benshannon »

I love Facebook and twitter for sure. I use it personally and for my job,
its a tricky one though. Im on the Vincent hrd owners group and that is very
active, however, the forum is no way near as active anymore so i do think Facebook
would kill off this forum. Twitter is different to Facebook in that it can reach a far greater
amount of people as they don't have to "be your friend" in order to see posts etc.
twitter can have any number of posters so that it isn't left to one person, which can suck.
in terms of increasing coverage and exposure twitter is better because you can interact with
the classic bike show for example, and they can retweet you to all their followers etc.
that's just my 2 pence worth
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by Coxey »

benshannon wrote: Twitter... can reach a far greater amount of people as they don't have to "be your friend" in order to see posts etc.
my account is locked, so people have to request to be a follower of mine which I personally prefer - I think that this means only people who are interested in what I might have to say can see what I'm saying.
My kids each follow 100's of people and then either spend hours trawling through tweet after tweet, or just ignoring them all and looking at the most recent. Both options are missing the point - tweets are instant short messages that are good at spreading the word right now... not 12 hours later when the moment has gone.
benshannon wrote: terms of increasing coverage and exposure twitter is better because you can interact with
the classic bike show for example, and they can retweet you to all their followers etc.
the only downside of having a locked account is that my tweets can't be forwarded on, which I'm fine with.
That said, if anyone wants to have a look I'm @RobertCox21 8)

B*gger! Rant over... must get on with something else.... :oops:
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by MarkB »

Many people who use forums wouldn't touch facebook with a barge-pole. Real Classic magazine is a case in point: they've got a Facebook page and a forum, now independent from the magazine - The content of Facebook and the forum is very different, with many people using one or the other, but not both. The Facebook messages tend to be more chatty, whereas the forum has much more detailed discussions, often more technical in content. So, both are different and can co-exist happily.
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Re: Twitter - New fangled nonsense

Post by Chips1953 »

Hi Coxey, you see to know what Twitter is for. I've listed your quote because I haven't a clue.

tweets are instant short messages that are good at spreading the word right now... not 12 hours later when the moment has gone.

I have a Facebook account to keep in touch with my family and to let them know what we are up to, it sees to work well but not when my son at Uni posts drinking game pics, it upsets his mother.
I have looked into Twitter and maybe because of my age I don't understand it, what is it for? I really don't want to slag it off until someone can explain to explain to me why 1000's of people want to say the same thing or listen to 1000's of people saying the same thing. Perhaps we could use it to vote in the next parliament, organise a revolution or build a tower to antiquity.
Perhaps a member in the forum can explain to how it works and why it is so popular. My daughters in law see to spend all day using it, so it must be beneficial for something.

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